
Why Do Athletes Use Peds?

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Athletes will do whatever it cost to win. Taking PEDs allows users to reach a new level to compete at. A great sport where people see this growth but don’t even notice is in American Football. Robinson(2017) says, “The Associated Press reported that in 1970 there was only one 300-pound lineman player in the NFL. By 1990 there was over 94 players over 300-pounds, and in 2015 preseason only 4 players weighed under 300-pounds.” These numbers don’t lie; yeah training programs are superior to what they were, but with the increase in pounds so quickly can only come from PEDs. Why wouldn’t they take PEDs, the benefits are major and make an athlete compete at a higher level. It’s not just football athletes who can benefit though, Thomas Hicks used them to allow him to win a gold medal in the Olympics. Alex Rodriquez used PEDs to allow him to become one of the most known baseball players known to play. “Rodriquez was spending nearly $12,000 a month for his supplies” (McPherson, 2016). It sounds expensive, but he was going to his teams own pharmaceutical store purchasing them from team doctors. These drugs …show more content…

When an athlete sees the results other athletes become intrigued about them and try just to test the results. Allen(2017) says, “PEDs are basically training supplements that offer better results “. They are just like protein shakes athletes take but the results are twenty times better. PEDs allow athletes to keep on training because they speed of recovery time in the muscles. “ In grades nine through 12 at least 11% have admitted to the use of PEDs.” ( McPherson, 2016). With those numbers at least 1 out of 20 teens use steroids to help them achieve goals in competition. Kids take the PEDs hoping they’ll become stronger and quicker, to get them on the sports team or even scholarships. The chances of being caught are little to none, because no one looks over the use of

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