
Why Do People Sympathize Anorexia Or Obesity?

Decent Essays

Anorexia is a known disease, but so is obesity. They very different in many ways but they are also very similar. John Kenneth Galbraith; a famous economist quoted “More die in the United States of too much food than of too little”. This quote speaks volumes when speaking the difference in the two topics above. However, they are both very much alike. People sympathize anorexia while people ridicule obesity. Obesity is more than someone just being fat. Anorexia is more than someone just not eating. Anorexia and obesity are both complex disorders. Each of them have metabolic consequences in someone’s life. When it comes to them; the bones and the heart of the body suffer the most. The heart is most affected because of the increase in blood …show more content…

It’s the main reason why people end up on a path of suffering from either one of these diseases. People who suffer from anorexic believe that they are fat. There psychological mechanisms in the brain that make them believe such things even if the mirror shows the complete opposite. People starve themselves even though they suffer from then complete symptoms of hunger that it hurt their stomach. They still starve themselves with the idea that they emotionally believe that they are fat and need to lose weight. People whom suffer from the disorder obesity, they have the emotional problem of coping. They cope with their insecurities or anything in their life that is hurting them by eating. Same way that some people escape their life with drugs. Obesity individuals do the same except with …show more content…

The most important thing is that a person must change their eating habits as well as get in to some type of therapy. Both obesity and anorexic have medications and therapy programs to help the ones that are suffering. Treatment is a necessity in getting the body in control of its intake of foods and making sure that the body absorbs the right nutrients in healthiest manner. If a person refuses to do any of the following that was described then he or she will

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