
Why Do You Think Marguerite Lies In Court?

Decent Essays

1. Marguerite finds white skinned, long blonde hair, and blue eyes to be characteristics of the ideal beautiful girl. She perceives herself as a “too-big Negro girl, with nappy black hair, broad feet and a space between her teeth that would hold a number-two pencil." This shows that Marguerite associates her black traits with ugliness. I feel like the standard of beauty in the Asian culture for girls is a slim figure, light complexion, and flawless skin. 2. In the third chapter, the former sheriff goes to alert Momma the KKK possibly coming for Willie. “…I would be unable to say anything in his behalf”, says Marguerite. She is angry that the law enforcement officials do not do anything to stop the violent white men from killing black people. …show more content…

Bailey Sr. comes to Stamps speaking like a white man, and has a vain and self-centered attitude. Marguerite does not want her father around because she feels like he doesn’t love her and that people will compare her to his handsomeness. 7. I think Marguerite lies in court because she is afraid that her mother and brother will think lowly of her if she tells the truth. Her grandmother warns the kids not to speak of Bailey Sr. or the situation, so Marguerite starts to believe that if she talks to anyone, the “evil within her” will kill the person she is talking to. A time where I thought that silence was the best response to a bad situation was in an argument because the other person does not bother listening. When they already have their hearts set on their side of the argument, there is no point in shouting over them. 8. Mrs. Bertha Flowers helps bring Marguerite out of her shell by using literature to bring back her voice. Mrs. Flowers gives Marguerite “The Tale of Two Cities” and a poetry book to read aloud. Mrs. Flowers was an important person in Marguerite’s life. An important adult figure in my life is my mom because she’s taught me to make the best of every situation and that a little kindness and compassion will go a long

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