
Why Do You Think You Should Be Given A Chance?

Decent Essays

In-Game name: SimHD

Current age (with date of birth): 16 (DOB: 12/21/99)

Skype (REQUIRED): colinkiesling24

Why do you think you should be given a chance:

Even though I am fairly new to the server, I want to have a chance because I have seen many staff come and go and I want to become one of those staff members that actually really do care about the server.I want to be able to help out the community as much as I possibly can by dealing with spammers x-rayers hackers and also the people who advertise I really do believe I can make the big difference that vengeance needs. Normally when I am online there may be a few staff online, but a lot of the times they are busy and I know that hackers,x-rayers and advertisers abuse this time period and I really wish I or someone could put a stop to this which is why I am applying for the position. Personally I believe I would be a great staff member and I really hope I get the chance to prove this to the vengeance community.

What previous experience do you have as staff:

I have never actually been staff on any major servers before but I have in fact been staff on some of my friends smaller servers, so I know all the basic commands. I was a helper/admin I know this may not effect much to me becoming helper but that made me used to all the commands for Banning, Muting ect. Over the past few months of me getting more into factions I have made a lot more friends and I have been helping people out more, this clearly shows I am dedicated

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