
Why Doctors Should Not Be Legalized

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Although it is illegal for a doctor to help, when a patient is suffering they have to help. This has caused doctors to already help their patients to die in other ways. The doctors are not physically killing them, but coaching them through their lives. According to the internet source Idebate, opinion polls taken show that about fifteen percent of doctors already practice assisted suicide on justifiable circumstances and about half of the profession would like to see it legalized. A survey taken May 6th-10th in 2015 asked Americans, “When a person has a disease that cannot be cured and is living in severe pain, do you think doctors should or should not be allowed by law to assist the patient to commit suicide if the patient requests …show more content…

Although most people do not have a personal experience with assisted suicide, many others experiences still have the same effect. One of these recent stories is about Matthew Donnelly and his brother Harold.
Matthew Donnelly suffered severely from skin cancer. He did not have a nose or left hand, had only two fingers on his right hand, only part of his jaw, and was blind. He was also told he only had about six months to live. Considering his condition, he no longer wanted to live the rest of his life wasting away in a hospital, but the medical facility was obligated to deny him his right to die. Not only was he suffering, but so was his family, especially his brother Harold. Harold could not stand seeing his brother in the condition he was in any longer, so he took matters into his own hands with his brother’s approval. Harold walked into the hospital with a concealed .30 caliber pistol, went into his brother 's room, and put Matthew out of misery. He is now being tried for murder. Although he did not address the situation ethically, if physician assisted suicide was legalized, then his brother would have most likely not committed this horrible act.
Another leading story in the Right to Die movement is about the life of a woman named Brittany Maynard. Brittany was twenty-nine years old when she began to experience many severe headaches. She did not think much about it at first, but six months later she was diagnosed with

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