
Why Does Hamlet Drag Out Avenging His Father's Death

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For many years people have asked the question, “why does Hamlet drag out avenging his father’s death?” Hamlet drags his feet because he is feeling ambivalent, depressed and the thought of revenge has consumed his every thought and action.
Murder is something you can’t come back from. It crosses a line for humans. Hamlet is battling with his emotions throughout the play. He is torn between doing what is right and what his father wants him to do. Honor is a significant feeling to Hamlet even to the extent of killing someone. "Oh cursed spite / That ever I was born to set it right!”(1.5.209) . Hamlet struggles with this throughout the whole play: Hamlet promised his father's ghost that he'd seek revenge against Claudius. He's embittered with himself because he laggard on. Honor urges him to promise the ghost and honor essentially drives him to fulfill the promise. In Act 2, sc. 2, line 551 in his "rogue and peasant slave" soliloquy, he wails about his inaction. In his "To be or not to be" speech in Act 3, sc. 1 line 63, he laments his indolence and blames it on fear of …show more content…

In act 2, scene 2 ,line 551, his soliloquy shows the struggle he is working with internally. He is sickened by the queen and Claudius and complains about how he hasn’t done anything about it. His only plan is to wait and let God judge the incest between them. He continues contemplating aimlessly over how he is going to kill Claudius and get revenge. In the end he waits and observes Claudius in order to get more proof. He goes on to perform a play in which he has the actors act out his father's murder so he can watch Claudius closely to see how he will react. Hamlet doesn't trust the ghost he has seen. He does this play in order to make sure that the ghost isn’t toying with his emotions and forcing him to act out when the actions are undignified. This play “is something to get the truth out” according to

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