
Why Does Lady Macbeth Want To Be King

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In today’s society, opinions rule what we do, what we say, and how we act. In its entirety, how we live. They have such a strong hold over us that we are willing to bend over backwards to fulfill the opinions of someone else. This not only happens in our present everyday lives, but also in fiction. In way, opinions are ever-lasting. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the position of being king is very appealing, in Macbeth’s case, because of the opinions of Lady Macbeth, the citizens in the kingdom, and Macbeth’s opinion on himself. Without these opinions, Macbeth would not have the right motivation to do what needs to be done in order for him to be king. Although he wants to be king to honour the opinions of others, his underlying desire to rule is because it allows Macbeth to proves himself as a worthy man.

To begin, the most explicit and dire opinion that makes Macbeth want to become king, are that of Lady Macbeth. In her cruel, but effective way, she tells Macbeth exactly what he wants ti hear to persuade him to be king. In his mind, he sees a way to prove himself a worthy man. Firstly, she calls him less of a man if he does not do what he has promised; …show more content…

To start, many soldiers in the battlefield praise his warrior-like courage and perseverance, which is something he is well aware of. In Act 1, Scene 2, a soldier says, “But all’s too weak, / For brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name” [1.2.17-18] This tells readers that Macbeth is exalted in the eyes of common soldiers. This pushes Macbeth into wanting to be king for more power. At this instant, even Duncan admired Macbeth’s skills. Many times throughout the first act, Duncan talks highly of Macbeth when he was around other civilians, even crowning him thane of Cawdor in front of them. Surely, this built up a reputation for Macbeth as in Act 1, Scene 7, he

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