
Why Does Lennie During The End

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In Mice and Men during the end George could of helped Lennie escape, or did what he had done which was killing him. I think George had no other choice, but to kill Lennie. I say this, because Lennie is in danger to everyone around him, Lennie won’t have to suffer, and George didn’t have to run away anymore. By saying Lennie is in danger to everyone around him, I’m saying that he kills everything he puts his hands on. Lennie kills Curley wife, a mouse, and a puppy. During chapter one Lennie says he found a dead mouse on the road, but we know he kills it by picking it up. Lennie specifically says “Uh-uh. Jus’ a dead mouse, George. I didn’ kill it. Honest! I found it. I found it dead.” pg5. In chapter 5 Lennie also says “ I was jus’ playin’ with him.. an’ he made like he’s gonna bite me.. an’ I made like I made like I was gonna smack him.. an’... an’ I done it.” pg87. …show more content…

At the end of chapter 5 Curley says “I’m gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand. I’m gonna get im.” pg 98. With George shooting Lennie himself Lennie didn’t have to suffer and George didn’t have to let a stranger kill

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