
Why Guilt Is A Better Than Shame And Humiliation

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I was a messy kid, just like any other young 1st grader. I left a few things out, got a bit dirty, lost matching pairs of socks from time to time so that despite efforts from my parents did not ever wear 2 of the same sock (still don’t.) None of these though, I’d personally consider as extremely offensive, and worth hostility or trouble, but according to my dad they were. More of it felt like absolute shaming, in which I only felt like a worthless person, whereas if it were guilt, I would have felt bad for the things I had done, because according to June Tangney there are very distinct differences between the two. The story I’m going to tell is in agreeance and connected to June’s viewpoint, and will reveal why guilt is a kinder, better, more efficient form of discipline than shame and humiliation in terms of importance in real world problems.
My childhood feels vague, but I have a whole collection of times where the same result happened from different types of errors in my ways. These typical moments where I made a mistake and got in trouble for it consisted of; breaking a framed picture, hanging out with bad influences, and yes, even for a little thing like stealing a cookie from a cookie jar. They all have a similar outcome, which resulted in punishments, either unwelcome or useful to correcting my future self. One example comes off the top of my head above many others. I had a box full of socks, cute ones, in all types of colors, ranging from Disney princess, to the

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