
Why I Am A College?

Decent Essays

Asking myself the question "Why am I in college?" again I can say that I have some answers now. At the beginning of this semester I did not have a solid answer to give. I thought that the reason of it might be that my parents and relatives wanting me to go to college or all my friends being either college graduates or at least studying in a college or university. At the beginning of the fall semester this question was something that I did not want to answer and made me feel uncomfortable when someone asked me the question but now I am not uncomfortable when a person asks me the reason of me being in college. I feel like I am able to answer the question a lot more easily and I think that I have a better answer in my head than the answer I used to give which was “I am not sure.”. I believe that going to college gives us an advantage if we want to elevate our status in the society. The first thing that an employer looks for when a person is applying to a job, is their education level and the school they received that education from. When the person that applies to a position of any branch of work, being a college or university graduate sets that person apart from other applicants who are not college graduates. Also, by being a college graduate we can proudly tell other people that we graduated from college. By stating that I am a college graduate I can make other people think that I had a higher education and I am a person who has information on certain topics. At the

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