
Why I Didn 't Kill You?

Decent Essays

They say god gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. People have always said you’re so brave and fearless, but they don 't know I’ve felt more pain than some people will in an entire lifetime and all before being old enough to order myself a drink. I never learned how to channel my pain, I let it grow within me like a tumor killing me a little day by day. My parents sent me to the best psychiatrists money could buy but when they asked me, “what causes this pain” and then I’d obliterate any success we had made in that session by simplest of actions, walking out. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t tell them why because if I did I would be admitting to murder.

I traced my hands …show more content…

He did it beautifully, like a sunrise, but even the most romantic people have accepted that too much sun only brings rain. Adam Cole was the most unexpected blessing I could have imagined or ever hoped for. Our love story was far from ordinary, it wasn’t the type of love you write songs about, it’s the one that grabs you, leaves you breathless and makes you feel like you’re on fire. It took one Lupe Fiasco concert, one glance, one smile, one kiss, and one night to start the most amazing chapter of the Aliyah Jordan book.

Our love of music had brought us together and it was what kept our little universe functioning without a star out-of-place. Every other Wednesday night we spent the evening at my parents house, and every time it was perfect. My childhood home had always smelt like roses and coffee. Two of my favorite things. Every Wednesday was just as amazing as the last, but there was one exception. Adam had decided to shake up our usual dinner and movie routine by suggesting it was time we go camping and I remember my dad laughing,

“Son we Jordan’s are good at 3 things, basketball, cooking, and being inside only people, just look at Aliyah here!”

I remember laughing till my stomach hurt, but Adam was everything but amused.

“Alright, Jordan’s if you won’t go to nature, I’ll bring nature to you.”

He worked on that bonfire for a solid hour before letting us come outside to see it. I had to admit, it felt good sitting around the fire watching the sunset

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