
Why I Want To Be A Veterinarian Essay

Decent Essays

Every little girl goes through that phase when their dream is to be a veterinarian. For most, their dreams are changed when they hear about the seemingly endless years of college, the sadness, and the loss. I am one of few of the exceptions. As a child, I never really considered being a vet. It was never something I saw myself doing, until recently that is. While I never in my wildest dreams thought being a veterinarian was my dream career, I believe that my enthusiasm for animals was created at a very young age through my passion for science, and eagerness to help people and animals alike. Even in elementary school, I was determined to find every way possible to help others. I jumped at every opportunity to raise money for endangered animals, through bake sales and garage sales. I read to younger children, tutored my classmates, collected canned food, I even started a club in fifth grade that collected almost 3,000 books for children in Uganda. At that age, I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I knew that as long as I could make a difference in someone's life, that would be enough for me. This past summer, I was introduced to Apollo Support and Rescue as a way to complete my NJHS hours, but I never expected to fall in love with it like I did. I didn't realize it …show more content…

I don't think there has ever been a day that I believed that animal rescue work was easy, but that is why I love it. It is so incredibly hard to do what the workers at Apollo do, and I will be forever grateful for the things that they have taught me. My favorite quote is one by Karen Davidson, and it says: “Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, their world will change forever.” It means so much to me because I know it’s true. These dogs have nothing, and no one, but they are so willing to love

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