
Why I Want To Pursue A Career As A Healthcare Assistant

Decent Essays

I studied politics with the intention of joining the Royal Marines; however, shortly after graduating I was diagnosed with colitis which prevented me from joining the military. This was a turning point in my life and became the catalyst for me to begin pursuing a career in medicine.
My first experience providing patient care was whilst working at a dementia care home. This was challenging as each patient had complex mental-health issues which affected their mood and behaviour. Sometimes confusion caused by the dementia could result in disputes. I found that my communication and problem-solving skills enabled me to reassure the patients and resolve the situation. Despite at times being emotionally exhausting I found the job fascinating and highly rewarding. With the incidence of dementia predicted to rise I imagine that the experience I gained in this role will be useful in the future.

More recently I have been working as a Healthcare Assistant at Queen Alexandra Hospital. This …show more content…

I have taken part in a variety of charity sporting events and I am currently training to run the Tough Mudder to raise funds for Crohns & Colitis UK. I have 10 years of martial arts experience, have competed, coached, and continue to train a variety of styles. Practicing martial arts, like medicine, requires self-discipline, initiative and dedication.

My work experience has enabled me to make an informed and considered decision about pursuing a career in medicine and I am certain this is where my future lies. I consider myself to be an excellent candidate for the graduate entry course because I have an enquiring mind and affable personality which I have seen firsthand are essential traits for a doctor to possess. Similarly, I believe my maturity, and combination of academic, professional, and inter-personal skills will be invaluable during and after medical school as I pursue my ambition to become a

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