
Why I Went To The Woods In Walden

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His book, Walden, in which he goes through his life after having moved away from society into a house near Walden Pond in Concord, MA, provides his thought process on many things as he lives there. He varies from discussing the law of society to the seasons in New England. However, Chapter 2 specifically goes into the details of the places he has lived in and what he desires to get out of life. The key part of this chapter comes when he goes into detail defining the inspiration of this adventure coming from wanting to find the true meaning of living life. He says, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, …show more content…

For example, there are moments throughout the novel in which the wind blows as Sethe is thinking and she is brought back to her days at Sweet Home, seeing the beautiful trees that surrounded the plantation. However, those were not nice moments to be reminded of as the particular trees she remembers are the trees that hung her fellow companions on the plantation. The story frames it as, “Boys hanging from the most beautiful sycamores in the world. It shamed her – remembering the wonderful soughing trees rather than the boys” (pg. 7). Thus, right off the bat, Sethe has a clear relationship with nature but it is so two faced that it could be something seen as a beautiful sight or a shocking reminder. Along with that, overall she has very bad experiences at Sweet Home when it came to having her milk stolen and just being a slave in general. But she is not able to control when those thoughts come to her as, “her brain was devious,” (pg. 6), so any sight of a tree could provide her with a sudden wave of depression, much different from what it would provide for the others. The inbetween of the positive and negative association with trees and nature would come in the moment that Sethe is running away from Sweet Home, going through the woods. Although that moment brought her freedom and a new life bringing her choice and much more, the process of it all was insanely brutal. All throughout her escape, she was pregnant with Denver and had extremely swollen feet, causing her to be tired out quickly. She reached a point in which she wanted to stop and die, but she is instead tended by a white woman in passing, called Amy Denver, stops to help her, bringing the positive association with trees for Sethe. As she is being cared for, Amy comments on Sethe’s back looking

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