
Why Is Brutus Justified In Killing Julius Caesar

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Is it ever just to kill another human being? No, one cannot justly kill someone. Everyone has a time; and humans can’t alter the fates of another. In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the main character, Julius Caesar is made out to be an ambitious and arrogant dictator in Rome. He is surrounded by childhood friends, including his best friend and murderer, Brutus. Brutus is manipulated by Cassius, a roman senator and part of the conspiracy, into believing romans want Julius Caesar dead, so they form a conspiracy to kill Caesar. Although, the Romans say Brutus is honorable, Brutus is not justified in killing Julius Caesar because the conspiracy is driven by jealousy, he is manipulated into believing Caesar should die and romans are …show more content…

Tricking him into doing “what's good for the people” . The next way they try to manipulate Brutus is by flattering him. In the play Brutus is a very self conscious character. He might be the same as Caesar but he doesn't see this. “I have heard Where many of the best respect in Rome, Except Immortal Caesar speaking of Brutus and groaning underneath his age’s yoke Have wish'd that noble Brutus had his eyes” (I.ii.60). Cassius is convincing Brutus into believing he really is a brave and noble man. By doing this Brutus will be more offended by Caesar's remarks and want to join the conspiracy. To wrap up, Brutus is in fact manipulated into killing Caesar. Lastly, Romans change rulers so quickly. The Romans show repeatedly throughout the play that their opinions are easily altered. Additionally, in the beginning of the play Caesar kills Pompey. Just before his death the Romans worshiped and loved Pompey. Then directly after his defeat they cheered. Praising Caesar for his victory in killing their deceased idol. “ With patient expectation to see the great Pompey pass the streets of rome… That comes in triumph over pompey’s blood?” (I.i.34-51) Although technically their indecisive behavior could also support the killing of Caesar. The Romans are so easily wavered yet this happens in another place in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar. Shortly after Caesar’s

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