
Why Is Daisy Told In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Chapter 1-3 Allusion: “ ‘Don’t believe everything you hear, Nick,’ he advised me.” This quote is what Tom tells Nick in the first chapter of the novel. Tom tells Nick this after Daisy uses sarcasm. This quote could be Tom telling Nick not to trust Daisy. This quote could also be referring to Gatsby and/or Jordan, as he could be alluding to Gatsby’s dishonest lies about his life or he could also be alluding towards Jordan Baker as Nick and Jordan strike up a relationship later in the book, where she proves to be dishonest. Question: Why would Tom want to let Nick know about his mistress? Nick and Daisy are cousins and wouldn’t he tell her? Could it also be that the reason why he told Nick was because even if Nick told Daisy, she would not be able to do anything about it because as a woman back in the 20’s she and other women did not have the power to say or do anything about the affair? There really was no reason for Tom to tell Nick at the moment. Symbolism: When the author introduces the gas station and the billboard of Doctor Eckleburg’s eyes, he describes the scene as dark, dirty, and as a valley of ashes. Doctor Eckleburg could symbolize that god is watching while the fact that the area around the gas station is dirty and murky could represent sin. The whole area could represent …show more content…

Even though in Chapter 2, it mentions how Tom cannot stand Daisy. If so why does Tom get extremely irritated at the fact that Daisy and Gatsby are spending time with each other? Does Tom actually have feelings for Daisy and is quiet about it or does he see her as his property that he does not want anyone else to take from him. Women did not have power back then and were seen as property so it could be that Daisy is more of a security blanket for Tom. If he and Myrtle end things, he would still have

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