
Why Is Equality Considered A Crime

Decent Essays

I believe that the reason that equality was assigned with the he job of being a street sweeper is the fact that he is different, he enjoyed being different and unfortunately in this society different is not accepted. Actually, being different is considered a crime. The ideas and standards that one man is the same as another man is the morals that this society lives by and the fact that Equality is and strives to achieve thoughts of his own makes him seem deemed and frowned upon by the council. In the book it gives ideas that Equality was someone who liked to stand out when he was learning, he enjoyed asking question and being curious. Another thing that equality enjoyed was always being able to know the science behind things. He enjoyed being the one to discover and unreal facts. Equality has dreamed and hoped that one day he would be lucky enough to be sent to the Home of the Scholars. Though, the society in which Equality lives in feels that everyone should be equal, they would basically be committing a crime if they were to let Equality go to the School of Scholars because based on what we know as a reader, and they know as the Council, everyone knows that with his intelligence and brilliance he would excel far beyond the other scholars. That would just be a disgrace towards the pledge of equality towards all men. …show more content…

Compared to every one else, he was at six feet tall you and can just tell by reading that equality had to which a charm that put him in an advantage towards the other civilians of the society. Which again breaks the whole idea of equality towards all men. The council could not allow such a person to become a scholar. They were sure that he was optimistic and his mind set was on a scale much above everyone else. So the council decides to place him as a street sweeper and lower his confidence and

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