
Why Is Eyewitness Testimony Unreliable

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Eyewitness testimony is unreliable In older times eye witnessing was the only way to prove that a criminal was guilty and put to jail. Now a day catching criminals is more fast and reliable with the technology we have in our hands. Technology doesn’t only help us capturing or prove the right person at fault, it also helps us protect people. When it comes to eyewitnesses in court only reliable persons are brought on by the lawyers, same with victims. The journal Does Eyewitness Memory Research Have Probative Value for the Courts? explains that eyewitnesses have been giving testimony in English-speaking courts since the late 16th century. Expert testimony on eyewitness memory, however, is relatively recent and still an infrequent event. One of the main reasons why courts …show more content…

One example mentioned was that on movies or tv shows people are more focused on the big picture and forget the little details that are in front of them. Another example that was given was when watching a movie for the first time our brains only recollects the important information, but if one watches with detail they can see that in the same scene objects and people stay the same or change. This is called change blindness, not many people can see or find the change difference until someone lets them know what changed. There are lots of reports that lack recognition of strangers changing identity, but people can’t seem to notice the blind change. People were showed a video of a robbery and in the middle of the clip the robber was changed into a whole different person and only certain people noticed the change, while the rest said nothing and pointed to picture of the first robber when they were told to identify the individual. Which led to the eyewitnesses being unreliable when it came to the robber, making errors identifying them (Davies, Hine,

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