
Why Is Fortunato Wrong

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The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe begins with the narrator wanting to seek revenge on Fortunato. He was trying to get back at him for something he did, and inflict suffering. When he arrived at the carnival, he greeted Fortunato with a kind smile. The narrator was planning to lead Fortunato to his vaults, so he told him that he had a special kind of wine, which was called Amontillado. He was given wine and eventually became drunk. They reached the area where he would lock up Fortunato. Fortunato confused by what happened, realized that there must have never been Amontillado. The narrator lead Fortunato deep inside the dark catacombs. He decided that he wanted the wall covered in concrete and made a barrier with Fortunato inside of it. He realized Fortunato was no longer drunk and heard him crying and yelling. Fortunato died in that wall of rock and concrete and no one ever found his body. Both of us thought this was a spine tingling story that was creepy but, we both agreed that the narrator was very harsh in the way he killed Fortunato.
As a reader, I felt that killing Fortunato, unless out of self defense, was very wrong. Even though he may have done something wrong, he did not deserve to die. Also, I feel that the way he died was very strange and awful. “It was succeeded by a sad …show more content…

In the second paragraph Gabby explains why she thinks the narrator went over the top. She believes that killing is not necessary in any situation unless it is for self defense. This explains her reason for thinking the killer was wrong. In the third paragraph Rain states that she believes in revenge. Even though she relates to the narrator, she still feels that killing him was too harsh. Both of us have never been given a reason to get revenge like the narrator has, so we cannot relate with a killer. We both have come to an agreement that killing is wrong unless it becomes life

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