
Why Is Holden Sneaking Into His Own House

Satisfactory Essays

Make sure your margin notes are complete. This is a quiz so write quiz worthy margin notes. Chapter Twenty Find and underline/highlight at least three examples of Holden’s failed attempts to make a date while he is drunk. Pg 150-151: “Yes-stop screaming. Are you drunk?” “Yeah. Listen. Listen. I’ll come over Christmas Eve. Ok?” Find and underline/highlight what happens to the record Holden bought for Phoebe. Pg. 154: “I dropped old Phoebe’s record. It broke into about fifty pieces.” Find and underline/highlight the reason why Holden is afraid he will catch pneumonia. Pg. 155: “I kept worrying I was going to get pneumonia, with all those hunks of ice in my hair.” Find and underline/highlight three specific details Holden recalls from Allie’s …show more content…

155: Holden doesn’t understand why when people die, they are all dressed up. And what dead person wants flowers? Nobody. Chapter Twenty-One Find and underline/highlight at least three interesting observations Holden makes about Phoebe’s school books. Pg.160: Phoebe writes her middle name as “Weatherfield Caulfield.” Margin Notes: Why is Holden sneaking into his own house? Holden is sneaking into his house to see his sister Caulfield. Margin Notes: Where does Holden find Phoebe, and why isn’t she in her own room? Phoebe is in D.B.’s room. She likes the bigger room and the professional feel of her brother’s room. Like his big desk. When Phoebe realizes that Holden is home, she begins to talk at a furious pace because she is overjoyed to see him. Find and underline/highlight at least three pieces of information that Phoebe gives to Holden. Pg. 162: She talks about the play she is in, she talks about The Docter- a movie she saw, and asks if Holden got the letter she wrote him. Margin Notes: Why is Phoebe eventually upset, and what does she think is going to happen to Holden? She finds out that Holden got kicked out of Pencey Prep, that is why he is home before Wednesday. She thinks Holden will be in a lot of trouble, but repeating over and over again “daddy is going to kill

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