
Why Is Montag Banned In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Guy Montag is a fireman who lives in a futuristic American society. Montag works under the command of Captain Beatty, who is a head fire chief. In his world the firemen start the fires to burn books, which have been banned. Reading is forbidden and the society is all about parlor walls. Everybody is so caught up in the parlor walls, including Montag’s wife, Mildred. One day Montag meets a strange young lady named Clarisse who asks a very strange question, “Are you happy?” (Bradbury 10). Clarisse causes Montag to rethink burning books and eventually he starts to learn more about how the society was before books were banned from professor Faber, an old friend. Captain Beatty, in the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, is the person who causes …show more content…

He tells Montag that books are banned for a reason and that he should not be bothering with them, but Beatty has a whole collection of books. Captain Beatty tells Montag that he has not ever read them, but clearly he is lying. Beatty is very educated and has quotes from the books memorized. He lectures Montag and leaves him confused. “You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, what do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn't that right?”(Bradbury 59).
Montag gets teased and pushed around by Captain Beatty. Beatty knows that Montag is in possession of a book when Montag comes into the firehouse. Captain Beatty teases Montag and calls him a fool for taking the book. “Well,” he said the the men playing cards, “here comes a very strange beast which in all tongues is called a fool” (Bradbury 104). In the end Captain Beatty turns Montag into a killer. After Captain Beatty makes Montag burn his house, he grabs his ear piece from Montag and threatens to trace it back. Montag does not want this, because he had received the transmitter from his friend Professor Faber. This causes Montag to aim the flame thrower at Captain Beatty. “ Go ahead now, you second hand litterateur, pull the trigger.” He took one step toward Montag” (Bradbury 119). Beatty then pushes Montag until he cannot take it anymore and Montag finally shoots hot flames,

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