
Is Religion Harmful

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Religion is uniquely armored against anything that might stop it from spinning into extreme absurdity.
So what is it about religion that is so harmful? I could make a long case about its destructive elements of plenty institutions, education, medicine.
Why is religion special and troubling?
What makes it different from any other ideology system of morality, community.
And why does its difference make it uniquely apt to be destructive in the society.
Debates about religion usually come in two different types. “Is religion accurate or mistaken” and “Is religion helpful or harmful? I am realizing on a daily basis that most things said or written about religion boils down to a simple thing; religion is ultimately dependent on belief in invisible …show more content…

Not unless we were horribly abusive. I could go on, and on I could talk about justification for bigotry. By terrorizing our children with the infinite burning and torture of the afterlife we are directly or indirectly hindering them from achieving some life goals. Does moderate religion still do harm – now? Many believers will argue that the harm done by religion isn’t religion’s fault. Some will point out all the wars, fraud, bigotry, oppression, quashing of science and medicine, and terrorizing of children are done for reasons beside religion- though these are inspired by greed, hunger for power, selfishness… all the things that lead people to do evil.
I’m not saying religion is the root of all evil; I’m not saying a world without religion would be a blissful utopia where everyone holds hands and milk flows on the street. I know that the impulses driving evil are deeply rooted in human nature, and religion is far from the only thing to inspire it. I’m saying that religion provides a uniquely stubborn justification for evil, it is armored against criticism, questioning and self correction… and that this armor protects it against the reality checks that acts to a limitless degree and the long run, to keep evil in check perpetuating political

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