
Why Is The Sophists Still Relevant Today

Decent Essays

The continuing relevance of the Sophists is that the questions they asked then are the questions we still ask today. What is the ideal form of government? What does it mean to be moral? If one must choose between doing evil or having evil done to oneself, what is the better choice? Truth and the search for truth never go out of style. Therefore, as long as there are people asking questions, the Sophists will remain relevant.
Unlike the Milesians, who concentrated on both the natural and non-human world, the Sophists were interested in human nature and human affairs. The Sophists rebelled against the idea that there is an ultimate reality that is unlike what we perceive and experience in the ordinary world, but in some ways causes what we do perceive and experience. They elevated the importance of the world that appeared to exist for human beings. The …show more content…

It offered an education designed to facilitate and promote success in public life. All of the Sophists appear to have provided a training in rhetoric and the art of speaking. In modern times, the view occasionally has been advanced that this was the Sophists’ only concern, but the range of topics taught by the major Sophists makes this unlikely, and even if success in this direction was their ultimate aim, the means they used were as much indirect as direct, as the students were instructed not only in the art of speaking, but in grammar; in the nature of virtue (arête) and the bases of morality; in the history of society and the arts; in poetry, music and mathematics; and also in astronomy and the physical sciences. Although the balance and emphasis differed from one Sophist to the next, and some offered a wider curriculum than others, this was a personal preference. The fifth century Sophists initiated a method of higher education that anticipated the modern humanistic

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