
Why Is Thomas Jefferson Wrong

Satisfactory Essays

Micaila Parrett
New final paper
Against Jefferson Just because Thomas Jefferson was famous for being true and honest does not mean he was. He was known to be a great person but he did some stuff that made people dislike him. He wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “All men are created equal”, but Jefferson only said that, he did not really think this way.
In 1767, Thomas Jefferson owned tons of slaves. When he was twenty-one, he inherited five thousand acres of land and about fifty-two slaves from his father’s will. That was the start of everything because right after, in 1768 he began building his Monticello plantation with the thing he inherited from his Martha Wayles (his wife) father to help him build his plantation. He also inherited two more plantations and one-hundred and thirty-five slaves in 1773. By the time 1776 came around he was one of the biggest planters in Virginia.
Jefferson thought that blacks were inferior to whites because …show more content…

Jefferson would always redirect questions about slavery by changing the subject to African Americans. He would never talk about slavery and him having slaves instead he talked about trying to release slaves because he tried to make himself look good while knowing he would never release his slaves. He constantly tried to make everyone think that slaves were meant to do work so him having slaves would not seem so bad. Sally Hemings was one of Jefferson’s slaves at Monticello. The space where she lived was adjacent to Jefferson’s bedroom and was fourteen feet and eight inches long. After Jefferson’s wife died he started an affair with Sally. He ended up having six kids with her and he made them all slaves. He eventually freed his slaves but Sally stayed a slave until after Jefferson died. Sally’s room stayed unnoticed for decades, until it was made into a men’s bathroom in

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