
Why Managers Involves Pricing Their Products And Services

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One of the most challenging and essential task of Managers involves pricing their products and services. Pricing mistakes can diminish and or destroy an otherwise promising business. High prices can drive customers away and hurt an organization. Simultaneously, prices that are too low can indeed, robs the ability to earn a profits giving the impression that the products are inferior.
Determining an appropriate pricing structure is the key to the success and long term benefit for the business/organization. The powerful forces for Pricing are Image, Competition and Value. Factors that help in pricing are :- Recognizing the demand and supply, communicate with customers, Include a surcharge, rather than increase a price, may help to …show more content…

The costs of the product are converted to per-unit, then a predetermined percentage is added to provide a profit margin making it the Cost-Plus Pricing. The cost-plus approach relies on arbitrary costs and arbitrary markups. Many companies use this strategy to maximize their return rates.
According to Federal News Radio, the U.S. government agencies spent $135 billion in 2008 on cost-plus type contracts states Lisa Magloff, Demand Media.
Cost-plus pricing commonly is used in processing credit card transactions. This involves three banks. A pricing system called interchange plus adds a merchant service provider 's fee to the rate charged by the credit card provider for each transaction. The merchant banks regulates the transaction of the goods sold to that of the appropriate payment there of. This price model is good for merchants because it tells them exactly how much each credit card transaction will cost them to process.
2-Potential problems are: This method ignores the concept of price elasticity of demand. Less incentive to cut or control costs, needs an estimate and apportionment of business overheads. If applied strictly, a full cost plus pricing method may leave a business in a vicious circle. When setting price, marketers must take into consideration several factors which are the result of company decisions and actions. To a large extent these factors are controlled by the company and, if necessary, can be altered. However, while the

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