
Why Marijuana Is The United Kingdom?

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The United Kingdom is one of the largest consumers of illegal drugs in Europe. The United Kingdom lies on the Northern Route of drugs. Cannabis is the most widely used drug in the UK and 58 tons of it are needed to keep buyers satisfied each year (UNODC). "Domestically produced cannabis currently accounts for over 50% of the UK market (UNODC)." Cannabis is imported by various modes of transportation, or it is secretly grown by consumers. London, Liverpool and Birmingham are the three most popular cities that cannabis is transported into. The cannabis is bought in by bulk and then is locally distributed. The cannabis leaf itself, is grown in South Africa, Ghana, Gambia, Jamaica, Morocco, Netherlands, and Spain, and then is imported to the United Kingdom. Once the cannabis is distributed by bulk, it is cut by its investors. This is not safe, because the cannabis loses its pureness. It can be cut with anything from heroine, caffeine, oregano, and even pharmaceutical ingredients which can be awfully dangerous. Cannabis is known to not have harmful effects on the body and mind of an individual, but once it is cut or laced with something it can be dangerous since many dealers won’t tell their buyers what else is in the cannabis. This information is kept from the buyer, because either the dealer really is unaware of the cut or because the distributer is trying to sell the most amount of cannabis that they can. Every gram counts. In the United Kingdom, Cannabis is considered a

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