
Why Money Can Buy Someone Happiness?

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In the 2013 movie, Now You See Me, the trick that the Four Horsemen used to established themselves as well as to steal the audience away was the bank robbery trick. The trick was simple, the Horsemen would teleport a random person to his or her bank and after that, just with a simple push of a button, all of the money in the bank would be transfer to the stage and everyone in the audience can keep it. In the end, everything went exactly according to plan, the Horsemen stole the money, the audience kept the money and everyone was happy. So, it is safe to conclude that money can buy someone happiness? According to professor of psychology David G. Myers, it can’t. In his article “The Funds, Friends, and Faith of Happy People”, published in …show more content…

This means that for the future generations, they are willing to pass out on the chance building a fulfilling life, they are willing to dismiss on the chances of becoming an expert on their own field, they are willing to deny the idea of family, which was thought to be the happy ending for most people of past generations, just so that they can earn a little bit more, just so that they can feel safe with their financial status. And let say that they continue with this thought process into their adult life, what do they exactly get? According to one Gallup Poll that Mr. Myers provided, even when they are well off financially, they still want more, “One in two women, two in three men, and four in five people earning more than $75,000 reported they would like to be rich”. Meaning that for the future generations, when they reached the safety point of the bank account, they still want more, not happiness with themselves, not a family to be rely on, not being experts in their field of professions, the thing that they crave for more is only money. As a demonstration, turns on the TV, or just any smartphones and laptops and pay attention, just a little bit and everyone will notice what is being

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