
Why Studying Abroad Is So Popular

Decent Essays

Hi teacher. I have an examination for graduation in next month and I am practicing for writing.
May you help me to fix my essay, please? I am very grateful for your help.
Thank you vey much .

Topic: Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and detail to explain your answer.

Today, studying of students is not limitable in their country which is extended in most countries of the world, so students can change knowledge and even go to the various part of the world to study. Thus, many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. There are three some reasons why some students study abroad: gaining …show more content…

And therefore many students choose to attend universities outside their home countries.
In brief, studying abroad is very useful for those who have convenient conditions. It provides students more knowledge, attending a famous universities easier than the school in their countries, students can get a job easily with a good salary. That’s why I think that study abroad is fantastic for students ……………………………………………………………………
Topic: some people believe that university students should be required to attend class. Others believe that going to class should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and detail to explain your answer.

Nowadays, studying is a very important aspect in the society. It is provide a lot of knowledge for us. Thus, to get a good knowledge we should go to class regularly and study clearly. At the university, students should be required to attend class. Others believe that going to class should be optional for students. I think that students should be required to attend class for some reasons.
First, you can get a high result in study. As you can see, regular study will make us learn a lot of knowledge and when you have a difficult in the study you can ask your teacher clearly. When you attend to class everyday, you can study better, get high marks and pass the examination easer then you do not go to class regularly.
Second, studying also help us make a good

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