
Why Teens Should Start Later

Decent Essays

In the past many studies had not really proved whether late starts really gave an advantage to a developing teenager, but times have changed. Teenagers are piling on more activities, getting jobs at a younger age, and dealing with personal dilemmas at the same time. Later star days allow them to rest from a previous hard worked day and grant them the opportunity to achieve higher learning skills. Resting is a big part of a maturing teenager and divesting them of sleep could lead to many unwanted mental issues, leading to undesirable consequences. If a student is well rested, their capacity to learn increases, allowing them to score exceptional grades. Scientists have advised school boards to incorporate late starts to their agendas, since it …show more content…

One of the main reasons that teenagers are experiencing sleep deprivation is due to "hectic schedules with after school activities and jobs, homework hours and family obligations ; and a clash between societal demands, such as early school start times, and biological changes that put most teens on a later sleep-wake clock" (National Sleep Foundation, 2015). According to studies done by the National Sleep Foundation (2015) higher test scores are a beneficiary result that comes along with students that get more sleep. The developing brains are rested and as an outcome students were concentrated and achieved higher levels of knowledge. Letting students decide whether they want to attend school at later times will allow them to not only get the required amount of sleep hours, but to be responsible for raising their …show more content…

One way that late starts would benefit student is the by taking pressure off their back. The less pressure they experience, the more likely they are to be focused on their schoolwork. Lack of sleep may cause developing teenagers to be under pressure and to be more emotionally unbalanced. This can interfere with their daily life activities and affect their school grades. "Sleep experts urge a delay in morning classes until 8:30 a.m., or later, for middle and high school students" (Palamar, n.d). Scientists like the one in Palamar's exposition, advise school boards to think about the students by adding late starts to their agendas. Students may be salvaged from numerous days of stress, leading to a mental health disruption. Kholer's recent article (2012) described the findings of a study done to Indonesian middle and high school students. The study showed an improvement in test scores of those students that had a later starting school

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