
Why Trust Matters? What Is Trust?

Satisfactory Essays

Part 1: Why trust matters? What is trust? “Trust is one’s willingness to be vulnerable to another based on the confidence that the other is benevolent, honest, open, reliable, and competent.” (Tschannen-Moran, 2004, p. 17) Trust is something that must be shown and reciprocated from one person to another, and it must be a naturally occurring trait. Trust must also be shown on a school campus; teachers must trust their administration that they will do everything they can to support they teachers in their classrooms, students must trust their teacher will care for them and find every way to educate them, and parents trust the school to support and take great care in providing a safe education for every student. Trust also means that everyone will follow through in their actions and in their words; a principal has to work on their campus and gain the trust of the staff before they can attempt to change the culture of a school. Once the principal was gained the trust of the campus, the next step is to follow through on any promises or threats that are made and must hold them and everyone around them accountable for their students’ achievements. Principals must work every day to gain trust with their staff, and must model trust for their staff, so they can in turn earn the trust of their students. The principal must also work to gain the trust of families and the community so that families will allow the teachers the opportunity to teach their children and work with

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