
Why Was The Declaration Of Independence Important

Decent Essays

The Declaration of Independence was the reason why America exists today. The United States of America was first founded with the Declaration of Independence, and up until today this document has been the most important legal paper or event that has had the biggest impact on the United States of America. Not only is it because the colonies were finally able to cut ends with the King of Britain, but because without it America in general would not currently exist. The Declaration of Independence is the root for the triumph America that we have come to know and live in. The document was a way for the colonists to end any authority the King of Great Britain ever had over them. Not only did the document withhold their independence, but they also found a way to bring up all of their concerns they had in to this new America that yet to become. …show more content…

Once independent, the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the birth of the American independence took place. Not only did it bring different types of freedom to the people, but it also was a way to bring up the different ways the King of Britain in fact did not meet the rules of government that the colonists actually wanted for themselves in the first place. The colonists truly believed they withheld unalienable rights, and in order to protect those rights they had to become independent. The colonists were now going to be able to govern themselves the way they wanted to, they were not going to be mistreated as they were by the king as well as have the rights they did not have while the King of Great Britain holded authority over

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