
Will The Industrial Revolution Ever Happened?

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Walking down the streets of New York, skyscrapers block your view of the sun. You may have asked yourself when these buildings have originated from. The answer is the Industrial Revolution. Some people still think the Industrial Revolution was a great idea. However, child labor, hazards around town and long working hours do not agree with that opinion. The Industrial Revolution should have never happened.
Imagine trying to walk down mud road with garbage everywhere? If you lived a growing city, this is very common. “Growing cities had many problems. Dirt and gravel streets turned into mud holes when it rained.” (The American Nation). There would be mud everywhere, traveling into the land people own. People threw garbage into the streets. There …show more content…

Children had long working hours, about twelve hours a day and six days a week. Some argue that children working on farms also put in long hours. However, farmers have shorter hours in the winter because of the lack of plants being grown. According to The American Nation, “In the early 1800’s, conditions in American mills were generally much better than in most factories in Europe. As industries grew, however, competition increased and employers took less interest in the welfare of their workers.” So, as each factory grew and the competition became larger, the safety for each worker went down. Also, you were born in the early 1800’s; you may have been working as early as the age of seven years old. Today, child labor is illegal in the United States. Child Labor is cruel, and unnecessary; especially in factories. Also, child labor is very dangerous. Children can get their hands or fingers cut off by the unsafe factories. “Small children were especially useful in textile mills because they could squeeze around the large machines to change spindles.” (The American Nation). In other words, there was a better chance of you losing a hand than getting a raise. No one should be working long hours in such hazardous

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