
William Carey Is An Exciting Story Of A Man Touched By God

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William Carey started with nothing and ended by starting a new era of missionaries. He translated the complete Bible in 6 different languages and other parts of the Bible 29 other times. When his original ship ride to India got canceled he found another ship he could get on. When he got very sick when he was in his 20’s he lost his hair and he wore a wig until his ship ride where its said he through it into the river. William Carey is an exciting story of a man touched by God. Join me today as I tell you about William Carey.

Carey was raised in the r village of Paulerpury in the middle of England. He began his apprenticeship in a local cobbler’s shop. While he was working there he stole some money and got in some big trouble where he …show more content…

Carey was impressed with Moravian missionaries and was increasingly saddened at his fellow Christian lack of interest in foreign missions. In response, he added An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens. Carey argued that Jesus’ Great Commission applied to all Christians of all times. He said that many sin in ease and give themselves no concern no concerns are lost in ignorance and idolatry. Carey didn’t stop there: in 1798 Thomas and Carey had grossly underestimated the costs of living in India and Careys beginning years where very hard. When Thomas gave up on the mission Carey had to move his family repeatedly as he tried to find employment that could keep them. Illness followed the family and loneliness and regret set in. William said he was in a strange land with no Christian friend with noting to supply for us. Bu the also had hope saying God was with him. He learned Bengali with the help of a pundit and in few weeks he started preaching to a small group and translating the Bible. Once Carey had the passion he began worrying about his Anglican relatives. Whenever the relatives where around he would often ask if he could pray.

When William got malaria and his 5 Year old son Peter died of dysentery way too much for his wife Dorothy whose mental health died away rapidly. She had delusions accusing William of all kinds of horrible things and threating him using a knife. She eventually had

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