
William Shakespeare 's Othello, The Moor Of Venice

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A tragedy is typically explained as a type of drama that displays pain and suffering, and where the main character, the protagonist, experiences a life changing event that alters his fortune from good too bad. William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, the Moor of Venice is classified as an Aristotelian classical tragedy based on the guidelines Aristotle sets when examining a tragedy. Othello is a general in the Venetian army, and the husband of Desdemona, and well respected by society. The play describes how Othello’s fate has an undesirable change in fortune, the reversal. In brief, Othello is portrayed as a happy, powerful man in the beginning of the play, and by the end of the play he endures pain and suffering from his own misfortune …show more content…

The play demonstrates recognition of Othello in Act V, his character changes from gullible and insecure to aware. The ideas of Aristotelian tragic components are discussed in depth in his Poetics. Aristotelian components include; the importance of events, the catharsis, the dramatic form, the reversal and recognition, and the tragic hero giving substantial proof that the play is an Aristotelian tragedy, and that Othello is a tragic hero according to Aristotle.
The tragic hero, Othello, is a Moorish general in the Venetian army that has just married the Venetian nobleman’s daughter, Desdemona. Although Othello was not born into nobility (upper class), his marriage to Desdemona brings him to a noble stature in Venice society. Othello is much older than his wife and of different descent and race, but he willingly stood before Desdemona’s father and fought for their love and right to marriage, he states, “How I did thrive in this fair lady’s love, / And she is mine” (1.3.127-28). This qualifies him to meet the first Aristotelian component for being the plays tragic hero. The first distinguishing feature Aristotle identifies in regards to the tragic hero is that he is the protagonist in high

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