
Willy Loman In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman

Decent Essays

Roman fabulist, Phaedrus, once wrote, “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many…” Truthfully, one cannot properly understand a person. Generally, people have preconceived ideas and will make erroneous assumptions about others. It is difficult for some to see through a fictitious exterior that one might fabricate. For example, in Death of a Salesman, the characters’ view of Willy Loman drastically changes over the course of the play. In the Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller exploits the audience’s view of Willy’s character throughout the play via his interactions with others.
To start, Willy is first characterized as a successful, esteemed salesman. Willy would frequently tell Biff and Happy of the admiration others had for him; for example, Willy informed his boys of how he met the Mayor of Providence for coffee. When the boys were young Willy would often mention his success any chance he got. Therefore, as children, Biff and Happy adopted their father as a notable role model. Because of Willy’s remarks, the boys viewed their father as a very successful, well-respected businessman. For instance, Willy told them, “I never have to wait to see a buyer….I go right through” (Miller 21). Willy’s incessant speeches of his success only reinforced the flawless persona he had created. Willy had a tendency to exaggerate his mediocre sales and success. The boys’ sole perspective of their father were the fictitious stories he told. In the eyes of

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