
Willy Russell 's Educating Rita

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Willy Russell 's Educating Rita 'Educating Rita ', a sensational, dramatic, however, consistent with its passing on of a ladies ' regular quandary composed by Willy Russell - passing on his illustration of life in a manner that which the audience can appreciate from. A woman in her late twenties, Rita, is shown to be struggling with the basic things a regular woman counter every day and the major phases of life as she becomes 'educated ' and sets herself ‘free’. The main theme of this play is CHANGE. “The door swings open revealing Rita” as thing young women coming in swearing, shining all attention towards herself, which is where Russell want to focus in giving Rita, this symbolic entrance. She comes in as this exuberant, eloquent yet …show more content…

However, in the process, is portrayed as this thug by doing what she wants. “Rita goes to hang her coat on the door hooks” acting as if she has ownership of the place. Through her action, it is evident to say she is not well mannered and is in need of development. Rita here at the start sees this degree a way of catapulting herself to a high status but realises not, that the way she conducts herself is letting her down- she needs to learn that she must act the part to succeed. She needs to change how she sees things. Foolishly, she seems to think that reading books, acting as if though she’s’ some student of literature would open the door to her “freedom”. And again to commit the foolish act again she tells Frank that she want to know “everything”, of course showing that she is oblivious to the sudden reality. Her ignorance have made her suspended from the Heavens and the Earth. Rita is an electrical woman with an open, youthful spirit seeking to fulfil her first set of wetness to quench her thirst for 'education ', all as she makes her presence by bursting through the door. She originates from the working class society and attempts to become educated along with finding herself, "I want to discover myself first". Frank, on the other hand, a relaxed character emanates from the upper-class society but lost his dignity due to his bad habits- drinking, though having an education. As the play advances, we begin see the cross Frank and Rita makes

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