
Willy's Wife

Decent Essays

The Obedient Housewife

During the 1950’s Women were taught to be good housewives and to support their working husband no matter what. Being a good wife in these days meant that wives did all the cooking, cleaning, rearing the children, as well as being an ear for your husband at the end of the day. Furthermore, 1950’s wives did not dare question their husbands about any decisions that were to be made in the household. In the play Death of A Salesman Linda Lowman, who is Willy’s wife, plays the supportive, obedient, housewife who is willing to put her own concerns and feelings aside, for the well being of her emotionally unstable husband, Willy.
Linda doesn’t seem to go out of the house much, so I imagine …show more content…

Linda seems to know that her husband has many issues, and she chooses to be blind to all of them. For this reason I feel that Linda is also Willy’s enabler. Linda has every right to stand up for herself when he is yelling at her for something ridiculous, but she is to nervous to disturb her unstable husband. She could and should call Willy out on his wrong doings, but no, instead she goes along with it and blames everyone around him. Linda’s character, the supportive housewife, allows Willy to maintain his character of a liar and an unpleasant person. Willy is so much of an unpleasant person that one of his son’s is considering never coming back to visit him, and Linda is even willing to go against her son’s feelings, as she expresses, “No You can’t just come to see me, because I love him. He’s the dearest man in the world to me, and I won’t have anyone making him feel unwanted and low and blue. You’ve go to make up your mind now, darling, there’s no leeway any more. Either he’s your father and you pay him that respect, or else you’re not to come here. I know he’s not easy to get along with-nobody knows that better than me-but…”(38). This only proves that Linda is such an obedient housewife that she is willing to never see her son again, so that her husband will not be emotionally

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