
Compare And Contrast Roosevelt And Woodrow Wilson

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The late 19th century to early 20th century is characterized as the Progressive Era. This is when reformers strived for better welfare policies and more rights for the people. Although three presidents reigned during this movement, only two are known for their policies. Theodore Roosevelt, the arrogant and egomaniacal president spoke out of ambition, whereas Woodrow Wilson, the more morally inclined leader spoke out of actual desire. Both had similar ideas, but their means of displaying them, and actually carrying through were different. Roosevelt was militaristic and felt war solved everything. Wilson was a pacifist and felt America should try to help their own people first before going to war. Roosevelt fought for the protection of the …show more content…

Wilson's number one desire was to be loved by the people. He could not win as much respect as Roosevelt won, but did find some affection in politics. He had many limitations, but one of the most severe was his respect for tradition. Wilson, instead of trying to make the government better and newer, he wanted to imitate the government of Great Britain, with cabinet being more like parliament. One of his main criticisms was that the current government had no room for debate, or great minds like Calhoun, Webster, and Clay. Wilson was much more sincere then Roosevelt, and actually provided a display of the reforms he wanted to achieve. Prior to his career in politics, Wilson served as the president of Princeton University. He therefore had much sympathy to the way education was run throughout the country, and wanted reforms to occur. He felt students were not allowed to express their opinion freely enough, and called for a more democratic undergraduate life. Similarly to Roosevelt, Wilson was hostile to labor unions, suspicious of large trusts, and unaware of how to handle trusts. The "Triple Wall of Privileges" was Wilson's economic policy which required getting rid of the three obstacles he felt society was currently facing- the trusts, banks, and tariffs. And before Wilson left the White House, he made sure he handled every single part of the "Triple Wall of Privileges." The Progressive Era trudged

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