
Wing and a Prayer

Decent Essays

Marketing Analysis – Wing and a prayer
1. Critical issue/Challenge Identification
Current Marketing Strategy
Marketing Mix:
-Bungee jumping (2 types of jump) service -Wing and a prayer t-shirts -Baseball caps -Personalized Video -Colorful posters

Place -Western Fair in London -Ontario -Zurich Bean Festival

Promotion -Sound System (hip hop, dance, and house, rap music) to build crowd -Banners and Souvenirs -Attract people who are passing by their tent

Price $65 for first jump $55 for second jump $10-20 for shirts and baseball cap $4-6 for posters $25 for personalized video Target Market: -Thrill-seeking male aged 18-25 -People who want to experience adrenaline rush and …show more content…

Gross income:

70 jumps $4,200.00
20 videos $750.00
25 t-shirts $375.00
20 posters $100.00
Total (per day) $5,425.00
Total (60 days) $325,500.00


Jump Platforms $1,000.00
Harness $2,250.00
Crane rent and Operator for 60 days $84,000.00
Staff per hour (2 staffs) for 60 days $9,600.00
Cloth banners $700.00
Tables, Chairs, Walkie Takie and Sound system $1,700.00
Inflatable pad $12,000.00
License and permit $310.00
Ministry engineer $400.00
Physical inspection $200.00
Cord different sizes:
10x300 = 3,000.00
10x500 = 5,000.00
10x1000 = 10,000.00 $18,000.00
Camcorder $1,800.00
1000 posters
TOTAL: $800.00

Fees: First jump $65.00
Second jump $55.00
T-shirt $10-20.00
Video $25.00
Posters $4-6.00

Therefore, break-even point will be on the 25th day of business operation or after 1,750 jumps where they will earn $135,625.00. On the 26th day of operation, they will start to earn their net income which will add up to $189,875.00 after 60 days which is equivalent to 2,450 jumps. Since Stephan and Zach plans to split their profit in two, both of them will receive $94,937.50. This amount of money will be more than enough to return to University for the fall semester even if they are planning to use the money they

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