
Wingtip Toys Essay

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Wingtip Toys in Queens, New York

A senior network administrator for Wingtip Toys, a medium-sized toy manufacturing company with approximately 100 employees located in Queens, New York. The company is contemplating a migration of its network infrastructure from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008. I have been asked by the senior administrator to perform an analysis for this possible upgrade. Organizations have different reasons and requirements for upgrading or migrating their software and hardware systems. Microsoft defines and publishes a support lifecycle for each of its products. As a system Administrator I recommend upgrading to a newer product before the support lifecycle has ended. For example, CAs running on Microsoft …show more content…

For many years Microsoft have worked on making the server environment as efficient and reliable as possible, and have improved previous versions of their server Operating System to provide us with the most current support for our ever-evolving business environment. A great example, the release of Windows Server 2008, it was developed to “provide key functionality to support any size business and IT challenge”. One of the most fascinating managemet tool within Windows server 2008 is the server manager interface that allow administrators to Install, configure, and migrate new server roles from the server manager interface. Wingtip toys will definitely be more productive with the migration to Windows server 2008 server roles and functionality from a technical and business aspect.

Why Wingtip Toys should migrate to Windows Server 2008
* Better support for the latest server hardware

Windows Server 2008 R2 is the first version of Windows Server to completely abandon the 32-bit architecture. Along with the move to a 64-bit only architecture, Microsoft has designed Windows Server 2008 R2 to support up to 256 logical processors. Similarly, Microsoft has redesigned Hyper-V so that it can support up to 32 logical processors. The original version of Hyper-V was limited to using 16 logical processors. * Better support for the latest server hardware
Windows Server 2008 R2 is the first version of Windows Server to completely

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