
Woman's Death

Decent Essays

In Emily Dickinson’s “The Last Night That She Lived,” an individual reflects deeply upon the night when a woman died. The poem asks, How does death affect those who are dear to the deceased? The narrator says, “It was a Common Night / Except the Dying-this to Us / Made Nature different.” Here, the narrator says that the death of the woman changed the usual night into a unique situation. “Nature” represents the typical state of mind that the people normally occupy. Choosing to use the word “Nature” emphasizes the that these people’s regular mindsets are defining characteristics of their personalities. Changing the “Nature” of these people shows that the people dear to the woman are placed in a traumatizing state of mind in response to the death …show more content…

The narrator says, “We noticed smallest things- / Things overlooked before / By this great light upon our Minds.” These “smallest things” are the typical details and stimuli that are unconsciously processed. The woman’s death causes the people’s senses to become hyperactive and they become more perceptive of typically ignored details and stimuli such as passing time or white noises. Since the narrator says that this heightened sense of awareness was not present prior to the woman’s death, it must be an effect of the death. Also, the word “We” is used to start a line which causes the word be capitalized. The author has “We” capitalized to emphasize, again, that the focus is on the people still alive. Finally, the narrator admits that this death has caused a noticeable change when he/she says, “By this great light upon our Minds.” The “great light” is symbolizing the death guiding the focus of the people’s attention towards the typical subconscious thoughts in order to make them consciously processed in the people’s minds. The woman’s death becomes this guide because it places the people into a stressful situation and alertness is the first stage of stress response. This continued analysis of the changes in the people’s behavior after the woman’s death shows that the poem is curious as to how these people are affected by the

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