
Women Body Image

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The typical teenage girl wakes up each day and immediately opens her phone or electronic device to get online and check her various social media apps. During that time, she will start her day being bombarded with hundreds, maybe thousands of images of females throughout her day. In addition to social media, TV and magazine ads are using impossible standards of beauty to try to convince young girls that if they buy their products, they can achieve these levels of beauty and perfections. Because of these “flawless images” of perfect women, this can cause some girls to develop very negative feelings about their own appearance and it can sometimes lead to major health issues. Research and studies have suggested that when girls see all these ads …show more content…

When women are online, they are bombarded with all different types of images that negatively impact their self worth. This has been shown to have major health effects on women of a variety of ages. When performing an experiment with measuring women body image issues, they recorded their anger, depression, and anxiety before and after they see the models and then measure how it effects the majority of the group (Heinberg 1). The study showed that individuals who were exposed to ads with images in them showed much higher levels of anxiety and depression than those who were exposed to ads without images. Also, some of the participants became, “more dissatisfied with their appearance following exposure to commercials illustrating thinness/attractiveness” (Heinberg …show more content…

A recent shocking study has shown that even girls from the age of 5 have started worrying about there size and appearance. 1 in 10 seven year olds have tried to lose weight at least once (Bates 2&3). Characters on tv can have an immense role in little kids life. As they get older they start to see that maybe it’s not all fun and games. Even from an early age, kids notice that cartoon characters and Barbies are skinnier and pretty and not as realistic as things in real life (Herbozo). When exposed to all of the images of dolls, all ages of girls get the impression of an unrealistic body expectations. Additionally, these exposures can also often lead to an eating disorder in young girls and sometimes have them develop a false sense of hope when it comes to their looks and

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