
Women During World War II

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During World War I, women stayed at home, aided the Red Cross, and volunteered with churches and civic groups to collect donations. Women 's roles in World War II challenged the traditional roles of homemaker and caregiver. Women took on a more active role in the military and held positions alongside men. They were trusted with more responsibilities and offered more freedom than they had during the First World War. Women held more traditional roles in comparison to World War II when women took on a more active role in the military. They also got voting equality with men during World War II.

The role of women has changed a lot during World War I and World War II. Women around the country were transformed from the housewife into a …show more content…

The more well-known jobs of women of World War I were factory workers in other active service duties, and contributed to aid the Red Cross, and volunteered with churches and civic groups to collect donations. Nearly 20% were no longer in domestic service and 22% of unemployed women in 1914 now had work. (Martin) Some women wanted to be soldiers in the military, but the environment did not allow them to be soldiers. Especially men opposed it seriously because of discriminates. Men had important state in society. They thought that when women married, most of them had to quit their jobs to take care their families. At the time of this conflict, women joined with others to voice their opposition to war through rallies, and any other ways. World War I changed many women 's lives. Women in the Workforce became the temporary men. Women were called on to do work and to take on roles that were outside their traditional gender expectations. At the beginning of World War I, women were fighting against the rights of equality. The World War II soon changed the role of women. Women were allowed to do jobs in the military, and did the men’s work in higher careers. They tried to fight with their freedom and proved their responsibilities to the public. The idea that a great number of women worked in place of the men who had gone to war was resisted for a number of reasons. This resistance

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