
Women In The 1960s

Decent Essays

The 1960s brought great change and disruption to the political and social landscape in the United States. Americans made their voices heard both in the streets and in the voting booth; more Americans were voting in the 1960s than in any other decade since World War II. Additionally, women, African-Americans, and anti-war demonstrators challenged the status quo of American society. In the 1960s, American women were given a voice in society in a way that they never had; they began to work outside of the home, and with the invention of the birth control pill, they were able to gain control over their reproductive rights. In terms of warfare, the United States changed its policy on Vietnam in 1963. Due to the widespread fear of communism in Southeast Asia, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in response to a North Vietnam attack on American warships. The war escalated and, for the first time, the country instituted a mandatory draft, drafting more than 1.4 million men into the war. According to David Knoke, “As the Vietnam War became unpopular, anti-war voices spilled out into the streets and on college campuses. Students for a Democratic Society …show more content…

According to Jim O’Quinn, “The money and legitimacy were to come from Ford’s philanthropy to theatre companies, which would eventually total an astonishing $287 million. Then, to seal the case for an unprecedented national expansion of theatre art, came the establishment of a national membership support organization, Theatre Communications Group, and the founding in 1965 of the National Endowment for the Arts, the first program of designated federal subsidy for arts institutions in U.S. history” (Roche

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