
Women Of Latin American Culture

Decent Essays

Women of Latin American culture have incessantly ensued the potent gender roles that have become a social construction of their society over innumerable decades. The profound author of Insurgent Mexico, John Reed, imparts his experiences with the revolutionary leaders of the Mexican Revolution, like Pancho Villa, and was able to witness their culture and more specifically the roles these Mexican women were forced to render by their chauvinistic counterparts. This period of revolution, started to grant women new mantles usually reserved only for men, like participating in fighting for the success of the revolution; any preeminent changes would soon approach, but in the meantime Mexican society run by men enjoyed the regulated traditional …show more content…

In Reed’s accounts he expressed how he heard “the angry voice of the master of the house reminded the woman that she was not doing five or six things at once” in which his woman would then go attend to the orders he had just given (Reed, 17). There is an order of importance to note that Reed always refers to these Mexican women as the man’s woman and never their wife, however when he speaks through the woman’s account he refers to the man as their husband. There is more respect demanded from the women of Mexican culture during the early 1900s because the men viewed their laborious work that brings in money as a means to deserve to be treated like masters of their family. The specifically crafted language Reed uses when he speaks of the labor the women perform, can demonstrate that he realizes they are weary and overworked. Along with everything Reed includes when he is describing the women work, there is important to also note that he omits any complaints made by women to their husbands. Throughout the novel in any interaction between and man and his woman, never did the woman complain about her arduous work and the commands she received. The work women did in Mexican culture is expected of them and it ties into machismo on part of the men because they feel their job is only to bring income while the wives took care of the rest. Taking this into account, Reed portrays these women to be tolerant and respectful not only to these men in their lives they

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