
Women's Role In Macbeth

Decent Essays

If a woman knows where they stand in life then their role is to be respected and have some power. Whether it’s a woman or man if they have too much power it can lead to a disaster like shown in Macbeth that is why it’s good to just be equal. In the three stories that will be mentioned Wife of Bath, Macbeth, and Federigo's, Falcon it will display how a woman’s role has changed compared to back in the day.

Wife of Bath starts out with a man who has caused so much trouble but gets one more shot at life. First has to answer “what is the thing that woman most desire?” (Chaucer, 157). The problem was he couldn’t respect woman so with a time limit he set out to find the answer. Along his journey he has come across some woman who say they most desire “freedom to do everything as they please” (Chaucer, 158). Even after hearing so many opinions he still decided to search until and older wise lady who was willing to share her knowledge approached him. After making a deal and listening to the lady he returns with the answer “A woman wants the same-self sovereignty over her lover and master him, he must not be above her (Chaucer, 160). Not only was this woman right but Bath also learned the meaning of what a lady wants in life. …show more content…

Her goal was to convince her husband to murder the king therefor then they would become rulers. She never knew he would have the guts she only hoped but when the request was completed her reaction was “”yet who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him” (Shakespeare, 403). She had no remorse “to alter favor ever is to fear” (Shakespeare, 405). Macbeth had so much guilt at first he “lacks the season of all natures sleep” (Shakespeare, 377). Since Lady Macbeth had so much evil power it lead to the death of her and eventually to the death of her husband. This shows no one should have too much

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