
Women´s Role in Othello by William Shakespeare

Decent Essays

Frailty, thy Name is Woman Women stereotypically are portrayed as a weak gender. Often women are given the roles in which they must rely on the protection and permission of men to go about both action and idea. When conflict occurs between any male characters, the female character can be torn and forced to make a decision in which no matter the decision, she will be put in a bad view. When the demand for a woman to have allegiance to a man’s will and subsequently given no opinion or independent thought, this will undoubtedly drive any woman mad. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, both Ophelia and Gertrude, the women, are represented as lower than the men, expected to obey the males’ commands and eventually, the women die as a result of the men. Both Gertrude and Ophelia are represented to the men as the followers or servants, because of their gender, being lower than males. When Hamlet is upset with his mother’s decision to marry Claudius with so little mourning, he claims that, “Frailty, thy name is woman” (1.2.146). Though initially directed toward Gertrude, the line is capable of being construed to be a very general statement towards women. Hamlet concludes that every woman’s flaws are their frailty and weakness, which comes from the stereotypical characteristic of a woman. Hamlet again degrades women when he asks Ophelia that “why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” (3.1.123). Hamlet accuses women in general of being the reason sin continues and naive for believing in a true

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