
World Events And Trends Can Be Analyzed Through The Three Levels Of Analysis

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World events and trends can be analyzed through the three levels of analysis. These three levels being the individual, state and system, these help with understanding and analyzing events through the different factors that drive these events. The individual level helps in understanding how individuals, such as leaders, and their personalities affect the outcomes of conflict (Rourke, 65). State level factors discuss the actions of the state and the causes for its internal policies (Rourke, 78). Also, the system level of analysis, emphasizes the conditions of the world during an event, this can include factors such as power, technology and economics)(Rourke, 91). All of these together form a picture of how events unfold. The periods of the Cold War and the Post-Cold War period are not fully comparable by the standards of these three levels, but the conflicts that arise from this period are. On the individual level of analysis, Cold War conflicts started because of the fact that leaders became wary about the expansion of the opposite ideology, as well as encouraging the expansion of their own. This can be seen with the Vietnam War. This war started on the individual level because of President Kennedy’s wariness about the expansion of communism in Asia and in Vietnam. This red scare caused a periodic expansion of force in Vietnam until it rose to full out war. All of this happened because Kennedy chose to believe in Eisenhower’s “Domino Theory”, which argued that if one country

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