
World War I Predicted as the War to End all Wars

Decent Essays

With the end of Great War in 1918, the world struggled to form a structure of peace that would avoid another world conflagration. It was anticipated that World War I would be “the war to end all wars.” President Woodrow Wilson was the primary leader to achieve this goal with his 14 Points making and keeping the peace in the world. Albeit the Treaty of Versailles amalgamated many of Wilson’s points, it struggled to be ratified in the Senate. The defeat of the Treaty of Versailles was largely due to the Senate and popular opposition of the treaty.
Some might argue that President Wilson’s actions and mindset was moderately to blame for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles to persuade the Senate. After all, President Woodrow Wilson refused to take any Republican Senators with him to the Paris Peace Conference. Additionally, President Wilson held strong unwillingness to compromise during his whirlwind tour throughout the nation to gain support for the treaty, until when he suffered a stroke and collapsed from the public view. However, these mistakes of Wilson seem very miniscule when compared to the immense impact the opposition of the public and the Senate had on the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles.
Still previous to his downfall, President Wilson’s assertions that the Founding Father envisioned America as the light of the world created to lead the world and protect rights of people and free nations (Doc. F). On the other hand, this contradicts the American institution

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