
Worst Response To Automation Summary

Decent Essays

Automation is a topic that has become increasingly relevant as of late. Many expert economists, as well as tech giants, have been warning us of the implications of the next wave of automation. The main concerns are middle class jobs disappearing; there’s no doubt that new jobs will be created, but the problem is that many citizens won’t be qualified for those jobs. Consequently, a major policy being proposed the solve this issue is a universal basic income. Although studies have shown that this policy has been gaining a lot of support from experts and middle-class workers, there are still some who oppose the plan and think that the issue is not as big as it seems. This is the view of Rob Tracinski, a senior writer at The Federalist, who wrote The Basic Income Is the Worst Response to Automation. In this paper, I will point out major flaws within the article, therefore supporting claims that the universal basic income is the best response to automation. …show more content…

He clarifies his opposition to this idea by confirming his skepticism of the idea that automation will have a big impact on the middle class. The backing for his skepticism is that technology has always influenced the economy and he acknowledges this, but with every wave of automation things have been ok. He later summarizes his views opposing a basic income by stating “helping people to adjust by putting them on a permanent welfare subsidy is the worst and cruelest response, precisely because it pays them not to adapt to the new economy” (Tracinski). The view that if people are given money to help make a living, they are less inclined to work is an idea that is common with many who oppose the universal basic income, but it’s simply not

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